Thursday, July 19, 2007

What's New?

Everyone needs to update their blogs. You're killing me here! Or at least update this one. Kudos to Kate for being the most frequent updater. Did anyone forget how to login so they can share pictures and wonderful updates with the family? Let me know and I'll help you along.

As for me, I will be performing in a 10 minute play this Monday night. I get to play a college-aged girl (aw, youth!) and reveal to my best friend, Don, that I have feelings for him. I play a total know, type casting. Actually, I don't play a dork. I play a nerd. Well, not a nerd. An outcast. Maybe not an outcast. More like a socially awkward person unless I'm with my best friend. So yes, type casting!


Jeff and Alyse Paull said...

hey katy, i can't post on here...i don't know how to become a contributor. help me please :)

Heidi said...

I just got back from a week or so of vacation, so I will post lots of pics and stories soon. Topics will include: a wedding, baby shower and Red Ribbon Ride (amazing 4-day, 300-mile bike ride that I volunteered on). Coming soon!