Wednesday, October 18, 2006


A while back Katy laid bare her feelings about all sorts of books- after some time, I am finally following her request to do the same.

1. One book that changed your life; ummmmmm....tough question... but I will have to say What so Amazing about Grace and A new Kind of Christian. Both are books that helped me gain insight about extending grace to others as well as myself, not to mention the never ending lovelyness of the grace of god.

2. A book I've read more than once; Franny and Zooey. Love this book and cant really tell you why. Its hard book to get through for some, but others, like me, just eat it up.

3. One book I would have on a deserted island; I'm going to rip off Katy on this one- my bible. I'd finally have time to read those slightly obnoxious books like Leviticus. Also, I tend to keep lots of odds and ends, pictures, letters, and doodles I created during boring sermons, that would bring me, and I believe any conscious human being, hours of entertainment while waiting for the rescue plane.

4. A book that made me laugh; Me Talk Pretty One Day.

5. A book that made me cry; Jane Erye- tears of joy! and if it wasn't so weird to do so I would name my first born son, sinjin rivers- cool name, but its after a character who's a little freaky and seems incapable of real love- yikes. not exactly qualities I want to see in my son.

6. A book I wish I had written; Wild at Heart. So then, after coming to my senses, I could burn it.

7. A book I wish had never been written; Wild At Heart. But to be fair, I never actually read the book :) I read the first 30 pages and could not bear to continue- thats all I can say, my blood pressure is rising ;)

8. A book I am currently reading; 1776, Mans search for meaning, and Lies at the Altar: secrets to a good marriage (thanks to Art and Pattymelt, not sure what that means that they sent it to me... Considering I'm not even dating anyone...but love them for thinking of their youngest anyway) and I truly love Man's search for meaning- maybe one of my favorite books

9. One book that I've been meaning to read; the agony and the ecstasy- My mom has always been an advocate for reading. Since birth she has tried to steer me towards those books with the caldicott awards (I did get my hands on some babysitter club books though, but only because they were a gift from my grandfather.) and other signs of excellence on the covers. So over the years I have collected quite a few books from her reading encouraging hands. The Agony and ecstasy being one, and I WilL read it. :)

Thats it! This has taken much concentration and Katy is now in the background trying to get me to pay attention to her (she is banging on pots and pans, literally). I better go ~ Love to all my book loving family!


The Lindsay's said...

Interesting... Wild At Heart made it on your list TWICE! You really should read that book.

Katy said...

Jessie, it looks as if you're subconsciously obsessed with that book. I think there's something there. I liked that book. Maybe it's because I like being a woman and I like the fact that he encourages men to be men. The world wants us all to be androgynous.

Heidi said...

Man's Search for Meaning is a GREAT book. That's all I got....for now. Maybe I'll fill out the book questionnaire tomorrow during a work break.