Monday, November 13, 2006

The Blogging Bandwagon

Soooo... several of us have taken cues from KatyO and her genious mind and created our own blogs for our friends, our families, and ourselves! Heidi's you have been made aware of. Now Alyse and I each have one. If any of you lovely family members have your own blogs, please let us know! I know I love checking up on everyone on the links to the Mueller Blog, Super Connor, and all the other links that "link" us together (HAHAHA - punny teacher comment there). Keep us updated!

Alyse's Blog:

Kate's Blog:

We may take awhile to come anywhere near the greatness of blogging as perfected by KatyO, but we'll take a gander at it!


Katy said...

I love all the new blogs! I've added the links to your blogs. Check out the links area. Now it's swift and easy to see what we're all up to!

Once your blog is better than mine I'll go light a candle and cry in my closet.

Heidi said...

For you new bloggers out there (and this includes myself), I've come up with a list of suggestions for how to make a successful and interesting blog. See below...

Blogger "to-do" list (to meet and/or surpass the standards set by Katy):
-travel around Europe
-meet some celebrities
-have some embarassing moments to blog about (i.e. dress mishaps and new spa treatments)
-move to a new place
-participate in some extreme sports
-post pics of cute babies
-go skydiving
-dress up in a costume
-pay attention to the news (or just reality tv)
-post lots of pictures
-write about anything--people just like to know how you're doing and what you're up to
-post lists of favorites/likes/dislikes/etc.
-post answers to quizzes (like what 80s movie character are you?)

That's all I got for now. I better get back to work. Have a great rest of your day!

Kate said...

Wow. I have a lot of work ahead of me. AND I have to teach middle schoolers? Katy, put that candle away - it's going to be awhile.

Heids, you are right. That list pretty much sums up a successful blog. =)