Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Are anyone else's parents going to Cabo and as excited as mine? I had no clue they were going until they were arguing over a budget... now they're on the phone (both of them) with Art and Pat and I can tell - they're going to have fun! I love hearing them both so excited about their travels with family. If it's anything close to what Chicago was for the ladies, I am just about as excited as they are to simply hear about the events that will ensue.

Notes from my life... I'm still with the 'rents (if you hadn't guessed from the previous paragraph) but am excited to move on to the next phase of my life - a new beginning. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, love and support! After hearing from multiple others I can not tell you how blessed we are to have this family that loves us all for our own unique selves and who will stand by us no matter what!

Enough of the melodramatic saga... Have a great night, and parents/aunts/uncles - I expect a not-so-detailed but still exciting report of your adventures upon your return! Love to all!


Heidi said...

Kate, you're so cute. I'm also excited for you to have your "new beginning." As for me, I just have to say that being on boy sabbatical is fabulous. I'd recommend it to anyone who is sick of the dating world. I love being just focused on myself and grad school apps and the puppy (who's not so much a puppy anymore....she's almost 60 lbs!). And yes, it is really nice to have a family who's "got your back" isn't it? Even though we're spread out all over the country, it's kind of nice to know people in so many places. For example, Josh and Lindsay came up to the Twin Cities last weekend for a day and it was really fun to see them -- even if it was only for lunch. (Hope you two had a good time at Body Worlds!) Anyway....I'm rambling at this point. Good message, Kate. To everyone else, hope you're doing well. And to the old folks, have a great time in Cabo! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! :)

Katy said...

Kate, it's great to hear that you're excited about your future. And you should be! No doubt you've got amazing things ahead of you. You are such a fun, loving, creative and energetic person. It's time for you to be YOU! And hopefully that will include a trip to Chicago sometime in the near future!

Anonymous said...

Note to Stacy's Parental Units: When I'm reading about your impending vacation to Cabo on a blog, it means you are not calling me enough. I know you don't expect ME to call YOU. (what kind of world do you think this is?!?!) Love you, can't wait to hear about the trip - :)

Heidi said...

I also think it's funny that I never heard about the trip, and I talk to our parents all the time!

Kate said...

I would not have heard about it myself except that I live with them! Budget came up and then they mentioned Cabo. I said, "WHAT???" The standard response... "Oh yes, didn't we tell you? And can you watch the dog and cats?" =)