Monday, August 14, 2006

I've Been Tagged

I hate being chased. I'm quick to scream, give up or I charge back at them in a dead sprint. I sometimes wonder what I would do if I were being chased by a Lion. Let's hope I never have to find out. Playing tag was always a nervous pleasure for me.This kind of tag I actually like.

Thanks to my good friend, Kellsey, I've been tagged to list books that have either impacted my life or ones I wish never would have entered it. I'm responding here for your viewing pleasure! You never know, maybe you'll be inspired to read some of these. I know I already gave an exhaustive list of some of my favorite books.

1. One Book that Changed My Life: "Ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning. This is the first "spiritual" book that actually caused me to respond with prayer. I remember sitting in my bed with all the lights out except for a small lamp and being moved to pray. It's the first time I really got a glimpse of grace. I really could live a life of freedom under the umbrella of grace instead of an anvil of guilt.

2. One Book that You've Read More than Once: Just one? I can only choose one? "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. Hello, my name is Elizabeth Bennett! I think most women consider themselves an "Elizabeth Bennett." She's one of Austen's more flattering characters. Though you can condemn the fact that she's as prideful as Mr. Darcy. I remember running into my best friends' room and reading allowed my favorite parts. I had to share it with someone! The confession of love! The two proposals! The time they run into each other at his home! Ah, it's too much! Too much!

3. One Book You'd Want on a Desert Island: I'm just going to assume it can't be the Bible. Any good Christian would immediately say the Bible. It would be/and is my one source of truth and sanity. Can it be a series? How about the first two books in Francine Rivers' "Mark of the Lion" series? They're not exactly intellectually stimulating, but they just don't get old! I've never read two books so quickly. I wish I could read them as a "Mark of the Lion" virgin again! Ladies, can I get an Amen? Wait, now I'm questioning myself. How about "Lord of the Rings"? Yes, that too. I might need that to remind myself that the impossible can be possible.

4. One Book that Made You Laugh: "Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim" by David Sedaris. His honesty excited me and made me wish I could be that honest. I just don't have his capacity for memories...painful memories. I found myself laughing aloud in public while reading his auto-biographical short stories.

5. One Book that Made You Cry: I again have to say "Lord of the Rings." I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Frodo, Bilbo and their companions. I felt like I had traversed the treacherous terrain and walked their emotional journey along with them. There's great relief and pride in finishing a journey and completing an impossible task. If they had known what they were getting into, they never would have gone. But along the way they were given what was needed to make it to the end alive. Hmmm, sounds similar to life!

6. One Book You Wish Had Been Written: I'm still waiting for my best friend, Becky, to write her auto-biographical short stories. This girl has more stories that will make you laugh! I keep threatening her that I'm going to start writing it if she doesn't. This or my yet to be written coffee table book: "Dating Kissed Me Goodbye."

7. One Book that You Wish Had Never Been Written: "Kiss Dating Goodbye." I never read it and never want to. Don't we have a hard enough time as it is? For the love....

8. One Book That You're Currently Reading: I'm going to cheat here and give you two. One is actually a play by Lanford Wilson. I am performing a two person scene from his play "Serenading Louie" and just finished analyzing the play. It's a fascinating story of two couples whose relationships are crumbling. Each couple has everything going for them but they end up destroying their lives. Very interesting. The second is "The Glass House" by Jeannette Walls. She writes a story of growing up in great poverty. She never solicites pity from her readers. The humor she maintains while sharing her pain is admirable.

9. One Book You've Been Meaning to Read: The "Harry Potter" books. That or my best friend will never speak to me again. I made her read "Clan of the Cave Bear" so it's my turn to read some of her favorites. I'll read them...someday.

10. Now Tag 5 People: John S., Stacey, Becky, Missie and Jessie (my cousin, not the one from Full House). If you have a about it. If you don't have a blog...leave it in the comments.

Anyone respond if you'd like! I'd love to read about it!

1 comment:

jan@theviewfromher said...

okay, I know I'm like a month behind commenting on this post, but I hope you still get notification. I've seen this meme on several blogs, and always end up adding a book to my reading list! Since you mentioned Francine Rivers, I thought you might like to know they are currently making one of her novels, "The Last Sin Eater," into a full-length movie. I posted about it at, if you're interested.

Love the "Dating Kissed Me Goodbye" suggestion. If you ever write it, be sure to let me know - I'd buy several copies as gifts for friends! :-)